and then architecture falls asleep

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And Then Architecture Falls Asleep
 “New Horizon” group show organized by, May 2023, İstanbul"
Escape is madness and being mad is definitely getting out of line; there is something demon-like in the moment of the urge to fly. Architecture that escaped from being practical, functional, permanent, and constructible, has lightened;  but just for getting out of the load of the motionless slime layer of the world. It splits up and branches out into the multitude in the realm of the virtual to become free from the definitions, limitations, and heaviness of being so damn practical.  

 And Then Architecture Falls Asleep I, 160 x 200 cm, 2023, digital print
Installation, Exhibition: "New Horizon", Istanbul, Photo Credit: Nazlı Erdemirel 
Installation, Exhibition: "New Horizon", Istanbul
Installation, Exhibition: "New Horizon", Istanbul
Installation, Exhibition: "New Horizon", Istanbul
And Then Architecture Falls Asleep II, 70 x 40 cm, 2023, digital print
And Then Architecture Falls Asleep III, 35 x 47 cm, 2023, digital print
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