Sites of Further Becomings
Due to the intrinsic nature inherent in all matter, each object encapsulates more than itself, possessing the potential to metamorphose into something else. According to Deleuze, the notion of "becoming" encapsulates the transition of an object or entity from one form to another, embodying a perpetual state of flux. Within this framework, "Sites of Further Becomings" represents a spatial research endeavor primarily focused on the emergence of novel existential possibilities between space and the human form. It initially regards humanity as an integral facet of an evolutionary process, acknowledging change as inherent. Subsequently, by contemplating the evolving connotations and delineations of space in the 21st century, as it transitions into an environment not merely observable but also penetrable due to media, the project delves into the exploration of nascent existences poised between space and corporeality.
Within this ambit, the project endeavors to harness the potential of the virtual realm as a locus of differentiation, liberating space from the pragmatic fault lines of quotidian existence. It aspires to reimagine space beyond the confines of subject and action preservation, envisioning it as a realm ripe for transformation. By opening up the body and ways of living to change through differences and deviations, it aims to speculate on how space can create new forms of interaction and how existing actualities can transform space with new potentials and directionalities.

Sites of Further Becomings, HD video projection, 2.58 minutes, stereo sound
Subtitle References:
Grosz, E. A. (2011). Becoming undone: Darwinian reflections on life, politics, and art. Duke University Press.
TVO Today: Current affairs journalism, documentaries and podcasts. TVO Today | Current Affairs Journalism, Documentaries and Podcasts. (n.d.).
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